Friday, November 1, 2013

11-01-2013 - 'Energies Unite, Be Strong (rhyme)'

And on we go, silenced in fear and yet anticipation runs deeply through. Know that we are with you and support your venture forward. As we have said before and will again, we are here and time is now. Messages of light and love cannot come any sooner for those who need the directions you set forth. We bring forth light love and commitment to you and yours and know that these are the time most needed of these messages true. Keep on forward the path is yours for the taking and we love the desires put forth to begin. 

Energies unite and flow through like waves on ocean. We stand together in our regard and anticipations of words put forward. Our strength as a collective together cannot be undermined by those of wrongful thought. Need most these messages are those. Those without the hope and those without the joy in their lives as can come through so easily with only a small belief a small faith. 

As is true on every plane and realm within with we travel, the light is a mass... webbed of light from each and together stands as one. You are truly ignited with this flame and others fill up this void of space as times before. Feel and know our love is true, feel the energies as they course through and bring the divine source light through your being. These are the feelings that cannot be described but as love and to know this is truly there is a wonder that cannot be undermined cannot be truly explained.

So moving forward, path is open walk through and begin the journey forward. Do not look back and do not fear. Times are anew and energies are united. Peace, love and light are only strengthened by your communications and cannot be undone. Faith and prosperity abound in a joyful heart can be felt. Many are here and many push forward progress true. Deep is the understanding of the need upon the great mother for your united energies with ours and together you will truly be on a path most profound that cannot be imagined yet. Forward push. Deeply you are able to go now and easily the words do flow and our light shines through along and intertwined with your own. Movement is always in need of this forward progress.

Be strong and do bring forth the messages true;
these are yours for the bringing forth for others to view
Know that love and light is truly at the heart
and with you we will begin, we start

Love, light truly abound;
with us and ours singing around
Knowings truly deep within;
yours is time bring forth, begin

Lightening will strike from high above;
on wings you fly with grace my dove
know not of things you will relay;
are ours to bring forth to you each day

Love light, is true within do shine;
in yours do feel in yours is mine

We know the heart rings true
we sing on wings of angels

And now, go forward with pen in hand;
before the time is yours to land
with love we bring the peace deep in;
is ours, is yours, is love, is true

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