Monday, November 4, 2013

11-04-2013 - 'Connections most Profound, 33'

Time again comes and we sit idly by and await connections most profound. Again, we say love and light to you and bring you closer to us today again. We feel your presence with us as you feel ours and know that together the words to come. Wonderment and excitement abound at the connections most profound do come. We sit and love with you. Know truly yours does peak and love does fill your being. From us to you we bring you these fillings of great love and the light flows through you so fully. Come to know us more and we will bring you in. 

Know 33 is the trueness of which you see and are attuned and to us it brings you close. By no mistake do these numbers come in sequencing rising and in the 3's over and over as we set out to implore you of and instill in you a deep love. To know we are here is truly our gift and we love your noticings of these signs so subtle. Love remains in trueness of heart and fills you so lovingly. With love and light we do pronounce to your your path is truly lit and your forward progression is by far as we can we to entwined. With us you do receive and know these lights are ours. Feel the movement of energies through you as you write as you bring forth the true messages as we reveal them to you. Know that these are truly the messages we bring forth and for you to convene with us and receive we are so happy.

This place you go know we are there. This is us you see in mind's eye over and over again. Revealed to you piece by piece and of the whole will come as in time. Yours revealed to us is truly a treasure and we are of the light and bring forth this to you. With no other alignment being made but true and love... crystalline and symbols truly reveal the magical aspects of all that can be revealed. 

We live on in heart as energies through and through. 
Intertwined of many does come through
 and notes and harmonies we do sing to you. 
As it seems it is. 

And with us you will surely reach pinnacle of peaks so great yours will be revealed. Entertain not of thought of undoing. Forward you progress with energies of the 33's at your back.. We bring forth these energies through you and instill to you the directions of the wind and which to go. With ease of many these flow through and signs and sounds combine to make beautiful stories of which to tell. Of which to bring forth tot he masses at many many times ahead and you will see these times as they come so truthfully thought. 

Reveal to all the wonders, the excitement you feel and argue not to those with misunderstandings of messages. Know that truly these do come through and that if messages are receive they will be loved. As it truth beyond knowings can come.

33 is support and happiness at progression... at knowing that with you we stand and are at your back. Trinity doubled and magnifies the energies of such. With you we stand, ascended though we are at the back of the cause we come. Missions, fulfilling as time moves on paths most profound carried forth. We instill to you the knowing and the truths behind the times to come ahead and with you stand firm our energies untied in the bringing forth.

Love, light and blessings cannot be underestimated as is time ahead. To love each and every with fullness of heart reveals the knowings true.

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