Thursday, October 31, 2013

10-31-2013 - '111, Messages to Open'

111 brings forth messages of truth. Enter into and know these are left for you to see and to work with. Manifesting through you is a reverence for and needing to bring forth information through to a format easily decipherable by others. Time has come now for you to pass on information as it comes and help is our calling, and desire. Through you manifests a string of information that begins and never ends. Infinite are numbers of messages and numbers bring through realities again that cannot be designed in any other manner. 

To you we say to relate information and relay to others the feelings and words as they come through. Ours is time and now we say to manifest, manifest, manifest and know that truths do lie within the thoughts. Yours of wondering and hoping that none to see can inspect / pull apart the words. Know the meaning lie deep within and the calling is true. Know that those who do incision within the words for malice will in fact find messages to dissect; and yet will still be filled with an energetic that will lift higher their knowing that they will recognize upon winds of time. 

Not yours is the filling each but to let them fill themselves with which you bring through. Worry is not yours to have over the dissection, let the fear release, and bring on the messages true. As is your time to do and within the circles you sit the energy strongly presents itself for your use and for you to bring forth to others within. 

1's bring forth the light the true light that is at the center of all and pulls you to mission and to bring forth the qualities and truths that live within you and all. We are here in support and bring forth the messages of truth through your being and hold yours in deep regard.

Keep on path, on point. Keep flowing through and relay as is necessary and good. These we bring forth and these you shall manifest.

Messages to open:

And welcome all and one we say to you this day of all days. Bring forth your light and let it shine through as messages are brought to you for your perusal. We are of the light and we are of the love and we ring forth the truths as to be determined for your best use. Know that magnifications of a great many are coming forth as awakenings as is being called on your realm. Happiness abound is necessary for this light to come through. Release of negative and worry and fear are yours to do for furthering yourselves forward on days to come. We know the road is paved with hardships of learning you choose. Ours is to guide and support your wanderings about this great earth and help you realize the truths and reasons behind your missions.

To speak not of light and love we would be remiss. As, it is these that the whole is developed. In hearts ours we truly do come through. Feelings of us, our support, our love is there and felt more and more by you each day. Light moves through all. Filtered by our doubts, worries, or lack of each. Worries and fears are filtered by our thoughts which are filtered by our knowings which are filtered by our perspective. Perspective each you have is truly a magnification of the days you've lived within this life and reflect only what you have been shown. Whether by mother or father or those by which you are raised, a filter has been brought. Moving and shifting and realization of the ability to look past what is known to you and to ingest the unknown is yours to do. Endless are the paths that can be taken, endless are the points of knowledge that can be claimed and endless are the resources now or any time for you to delve deeply and receive truth beyond what was ever possible in previous time. The energies are high and we are at your back as wind to sail. We push you forward through the trials and extend love to yours when down you fall. Again and again, the opportunity to fall is yours; and to pick up and move on and decipher tragedy in new terms in only yours to do.

Know the choice belongs to you. Know you can see with eyes you've seen before, or open and let the light be revealed to you. Every hardship is an opportunity and all have endless opportunities to shine. Bring up, shine forth and hold hand in hand with brothers and sisters knowing the truth lies in the truth of one. Love and honor and light are yours and there if you open yourselves. Let go of how you design things to be based on what you know and push forward to know more. Keep open heart and open mind and love each and every being as they love you. Connections are strong through love and light wellness brings.

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