Thursday, October 31, 2013

10-31-2013 - '111, Messages to Open'

111 brings forth messages of truth. Enter into and know these are left for you to see and to work with. Manifesting through you is a reverence for and needing to bring forth information through to a format easily decipherable by others. Time has come now for you to pass on information as it comes and help is our calling, and desire. Through you manifests a string of information that begins and never ends. Infinite are numbers of messages and numbers bring through realities again that cannot be designed in any other manner. 

To you we say to relate information and relay to others the feelings and words as they come through. Ours is time and now we say to manifest, manifest, manifest and know that truths do lie within the thoughts. Yours of wondering and hoping that none to see can inspect / pull apart the words. Know the meaning lie deep within and the calling is true. Know that those who do incision within the words for malice will in fact find messages to dissect; and yet will still be filled with an energetic that will lift higher their knowing that they will recognize upon winds of time. 

Not yours is the filling each but to let them fill themselves with which you bring through. Worry is not yours to have over the dissection, let the fear release, and bring on the messages true. As is your time to do and within the circles you sit the energy strongly presents itself for your use and for you to bring forth to others within. 

1's bring forth the light the true light that is at the center of all and pulls you to mission and to bring forth the qualities and truths that live within you and all. We are here in support and bring forth the messages of truth through your being and hold yours in deep regard.

Keep on path, on point. Keep flowing through and relay as is necessary and good. These we bring forth and these you shall manifest.

Messages to open:

And welcome all and one we say to you this day of all days. Bring forth your light and let it shine through as messages are brought to you for your perusal. We are of the light and we are of the love and we ring forth the truths as to be determined for your best use. Know that magnifications of a great many are coming forth as awakenings as is being called on your realm. Happiness abound is necessary for this light to come through. Release of negative and worry and fear are yours to do for furthering yourselves forward on days to come. We know the road is paved with hardships of learning you choose. Ours is to guide and support your wanderings about this great earth and help you realize the truths and reasons behind your missions.

To speak not of light and love we would be remiss. As, it is these that the whole is developed. In hearts ours we truly do come through. Feelings of us, our support, our love is there and felt more and more by you each day. Light moves through all. Filtered by our doubts, worries, or lack of each. Worries and fears are filtered by our thoughts which are filtered by our knowings which are filtered by our perspective. Perspective each you have is truly a magnification of the days you've lived within this life and reflect only what you have been shown. Whether by mother or father or those by which you are raised, a filter has been brought. Moving and shifting and realization of the ability to look past what is known to you and to ingest the unknown is yours to do. Endless are the paths that can be taken, endless are the points of knowledge that can be claimed and endless are the resources now or any time for you to delve deeply and receive truth beyond what was ever possible in previous time. The energies are high and we are at your back as wind to sail. We push you forward through the trials and extend love to yours when down you fall. Again and again, the opportunity to fall is yours; and to pick up and move on and decipher tragedy in new terms in only yours to do.

Know the choice belongs to you. Know you can see with eyes you've seen before, or open and let the light be revealed to you. Every hardship is an opportunity and all have endless opportunities to shine. Bring up, shine forth and hold hand in hand with brothers and sisters knowing the truth lies in the truth of one. Love and honor and light are yours and there if you open yourselves. Let go of how you design things to be based on what you know and push forward to know more. Keep open heart and open mind and love each and every being as they love you. Connections are strong through love and light wellness brings.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

10-30-2013 - 'Feel the Energy, Brotherhood, 222'

Feel the energy move through and deeply in thoughts you progress onward today and all days ahead. Messages true come to you, and for you, from others this day bringing messages of light and love and of our and meetings before. Into the light see the flame grow high, and envelop you and all with the love and the light there truly is. And, we feel this light move through ... We feel this as you feel us too. 

Understand yours is gifts of truth, gift of healing and gift of love enveloped in the highest light there is on any plane, and any space, in any time. Ahead, together, we move through the darkness and ignite a path of forward beauty on which we can all share and exclaim our delight from highest and above. The light, the true source of light, waits in patience as you all acclimate to energies this day and days ahead. 

Feelings building and connections strengthened each and every time you sit. Feel this flow as we move through you all and all move through us.  Again, we proclaim the synchronicity of it all.  And that, in fact, time is of no movement as it moves on in your lives.  Continue path, strongly we urge of you and yours.  Feel the knowings deep inside and delve closer into the center as you can.  Deeper and deeper you will all go as this progresses and you will feel the knowings deep and true.  Inside of you, you feel the energies flow more strongly as each day goes, they grow and they grow inside us all and to you .  Excitement abound is ours at this prospect of the light working together.  To know that truly a passion has arisen  and a brotherhood has formed within the souls of those who have come before and will come again together as one and as many.  Truly available to you all are these interactions of most high with light and beings that bring your gifts to light and help share the intricacies of the uses and the provocations from which they develop.  

Wounded some may be of past experiences and we are here to say now is new.  Now is the time and consciousness is truly more ready than can be exclaimed.  Thriving is this community of which you are part and strong are the bonds within you each hold.  Love and light and healing are your truths and taking on of feelings is to help in the healing of others as difficult as this may be for each of you.  Hardships are a part of this.  We must know to let go, we must feel to heal.  If the fight is unknown, the healing cannot begin.  And so, karmic-ly we all do our bidding and our bidding is done to and for us and we strive for perfection each and every time.  We know this is difficult and we are here to support these travels on which you all partake.  Now, more than ever, you take these gifts of trials and put their uses forth to alight a new path, one paved in many shades of luminescent light to be traveled by you all.  Come together we beg and know yours is truly a journey guided by light and love.  We are here, we are around you and all and we are in wait of many healings and energies which you all shall be deeply within.  

2:22 pm - 222 message

222 meaning true. We are truly excited at the noticing of these small, subtle signs to you.  As said before, numbers hold the most magical influences. Deeply they connect to and from realms of all space and time as they are as infinite as time itself. Holding within them many layers of symbolic message they do. Numbers bring on energies of mystical and heavy treasure that can only be understood by truly communicating with them and meditations with them deep at heart. Know and keep these numbers with you and travel on your path with them truly ingrained. 222 is meaning of well and good on your path ahead. Knowings of your mission is truly at hand, and it is time for you to bask in the glory of all that is and all there has been. To truly come forth and move forward on your mission is now calling you deeper and more deeply still. Souls, love, mission, infallible strivings are yours. We are pleased with progress and hopeful of yours to come. Know as these numbers do say your mission and souls are truly associated with higher callings and are needed for furthering of messages true. Keep onward in journey and listen to your call. We are pleased again, in love and light we bless...

Sunday, October 27, 2013

10-27-2013 - 'HOPE - card pulled at random from deck'

Hope is a necessary and fruitful gift of man. Without such beings would recoil at the hardships of life and what is brought through for learning of experiences. These learnings may hinder to some but hope shines through . Hope brings forth the love that lies within each and every being. Hope is what is essential for life to live and to move on past deceit, past the horrors that may unfold to us in our daily learnings. Hope is now and forever a known factor in the evolution of all. Keeps forward on path of wonderment if there is a glimpse of this light that exists in the future and to all. We know the hardships of which you all live with on the earthly plane and they are there, designed for your learnings of each and every day. To know that these learnings do have karmic path for all is necessary and to know that there is the light is the hope you truly do feel at the very heart of each and every one of you. Knowings far and wide do retain that even in the darkest hours ahead and before, this small brightness of hope keeps us on our paths and keeps us true to our stations, to our knowings, and beliefs. And, faith is based on this concept. These are the underlying things that move us on in each day. These are the facts of the small lights you see that keep focus on said prize. Light at end of tunnel is meaningful in this regard as to hope. Always better, always striving, always is more the ability of those around you. Man can and sees past the humility of darkness can see past the treachery of others by understanding that within each and every soul, this light, does shine. This light is apparent, and this light will again come through regardless of current action. None is lost with hope. None is forever lost with hope. It is the concept of which you strive and know and carry on. It is the plane that keeps on your journey as knowings deep do reside within this light called hope inside. On and on this light of hope does shine. From darkest days comes through the brightest of stars as they shine on in their hope. As we shine on and relate to your love that does deeply affect all. Hope will be important and hope is needed and hope does keep us all through our faces of things we least desire. The fire of hope is within all. The truthfulness of love and light is the hope for which all strive and we are here with this igniting flame for all who are ready to receive it. Keep fires burning, keep light and love and keep hope lit within as it does exist for reasons beyond current comprehensions. It is a gift it is the gift it is the spark that ignites all flames. Within, it burns deeply. This is why you sit before us today.

10-27-2013 - 'Engold in the Light'

And again, onward to a new day unfolding truths to you we come. Say we to you this day again bring forth the light and love and enfold yourself in the light of all that is around you. We do remember when times before yours was a closed door now open to receive the information as we bring forth and happiness does infect our being at this chance. Thanks and love and light do come through and you are ready to receive again a message of truth today as always will unfold again. Thanks again to be to you for intentions of light and love and bring through to earth and to others around your being as everyday and all time is an opportunity for these thoughts, these intentions. These are the lights to bring forth to all.

Wander no more bring forth the word you hear and do not slow the progress as is your thoughts become too engaged in the word. Keep on this day again the message and and engage fully in its truths as we bring forth to you the messages … again and again

We say to you this day again a love in the airs is brought through... a light of above and to bring from below none know that truths are lying deep within and fruitfulness is to come on path... wonder not at the exit and now the time will be. Come forth and forward and receive the truths of messages .
We live deeply within and to this night we bring messages of most importance to you and all. Bring this to others as will be time to unfurl the messages to all and to understand the needs of all to understand the writings as you peruse back and forth through them endlessly to receive messages again and again. We want to let you know that these are truths and to come you should be open... Openness of heart and head to what awaits in the future is needed by you and all... love and light can not be underplayed as a necessity to the cohesiveness that is necessary in a brotherhood of all to be lighted from within and for the messages to spread to all and keep on and on. Keep on and on and reveal the words as spoken... Know the realness of the words as they flow and bring forth the light to those around you and let it shine through as this is the key to the salvation of all.. this is the key to the understanding of the love that is necessary for all mankind to begin to grow and work together as one and realize the oneness within and that surrounds you all. This is not for you to decipher stop and write and keep on the message truly it is there for you

Wander from and back you do it is fine and to reveal more messages of truths we bring on the truthfulness of statements made and understand the deciphering time shall come, shall begin and will unfold for you regardless of your current mind. Set forth on journeys far and wide and know that these are the messages of truths as we unfold them to you. Keep onward and again know this is meant in love and to support to push to keep on path yours is true.

Losing sight of things apparent is now happening … you are receiving the truths to your wondering and know that this feeling is us. See us before you. See us and feel our truths from within you feel. Know that it is we who stand beside you again and again and keep warmth of heart.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

10-26-2013 typed

Greetings again and we are off to another time and space with you on this day... We bring to you our energies from afar and about with much to relinquish to your hearing from our voices true and together we sing to you a choir of song and light. Love is brought to you and felt warmly throughout these meetings as light does stream through to you. We thank you for attentions this way and wander endlessly to you with our songs. Singing, speaking, talking, bringing forth messages of truth and timeless retreat for you is necessary this day and all. Keeping faithfulness in seed and direct inquiry is yours to undertake and again we thank you for attentions this way. Wandering off to places to you sacred and spaces are necessary for development of future thought and processes of such. And we say to you continue this venture onward and upward as time passes regardless of what it thought. This is time for you to undertake the positions sought after for many millennia and many times before and bring together this light this day and onward is our gift to you and to earth and others. Keep on the path as we say again to you as this is of most importance in these days ahead. Thanks be to you and all who partake on these ventures again we do note and notate as going forth...

Remain for now in energies true and tear not up those thoughts of before as they do reveal notations of many although in words few. We know these do not always come easily and doubt may infiltrate your mind to the openness necessary to receive. Keep openness as priority and open heart and mind to visions and messages as they come through... Keep on the path, we will say again and again and remain forever true to this message as it comes through to you and all. Wandering through these days anew to you and others is a path taken on by few to many as one and all rejoice in the light and love available from above and beyond in places unknown to you and yours at this time and of many times before. Before you have known us and been with us and rejoiced with us in the light and bathed in the beauty there is that shines on from above and shines on from beyond and dwells and lurks and places most unrealized as you wander on this earth on current path of yours. Keep forth bring forth and share the energies true that we reveal to you. Keep wonder and awe of such open to the receipt of messages truly coming through and know that we love and cherish the time as comes and goes with you. Keep on again and again keep on

Longing for more is coming and more shall come as time moves on through the earthly time as it is known. Revealed will be many to you on this journey as well to you and to wander together you will into the light and bring said to others and spread on and on the messages true. We will be beside you and all on these journeys of yours you take as this is yours to do … To relish in this light and love to live and bathe in the light is truly a gift we can share and of which you can imbibe... days past of blockages as you call them can be quelled by onward movement in this realm and workings within. Keeping on path set is now time to be revealed to you and is yet to come as more and more your openness is revealed to us and to you. We know the hardships of past and know more are to come as is they way on this place you dwell. However we say not to stay and let these instances of time in the darker places onward go... go in and come back and know the light remains regardless of troubles on the path onward. There are loves and there are losses and there are times that do take into account the necessary need to take point of action and you will learn through processes as these where this will take you and where the world shall go in direction...

Know not all yet and soon revealed more. Be open, communicate and warmly greet others who may be of resistance and bring those to the light as you are able and as are willing. There is more light than can be imagined on your plane and more love that can be shared... conquering all darkness is the necessary path and bringing forth the healing light to many is yours. Keep on and on and on and on again we say the necessities of this truth. Love and cherish again... Love and keep forth to bring such notes of truth and know that beside you we walk.

Longing for answers of yours to know the questions first. Coming through with messages we do as we are able and yours to be clear on questions is necessary for this gift to begin and run on … words do come and you can bring them forth and wander through them at will and leisure at later time to decipher messages of truth within. Know they exist in these letters to you and to all and we will gladly bring them through as we are able and as you are open.

Yours are we to serve on some level with light to bring forth and yours to bring forth the light is necessary for communications to continue. Love and light to you and blessings along the way we bring to you and the truth of all that is surrounding you. Energies of many many bring forth messages and to be deciphered as one is impossible as the energies unite on this day and other days to bring forth the messages true. Energies are here and love is here and wonder you do to bring it forth. Again, do not keep off the movement as necessary of words... let stream forth and do not think too deeply . Go back read again and know their there for you to regain promise and truth as alights into the sun. Thanks are ours to give for communications as your energies to combine must be worked again and again... your path is true, you're bringing forth vibrational words and messages and things continue. Heal, Love, laugh, bring light and remember these things do come through and these things do matter in the realm of all that is in which you love.. Love and light in this we depart and bring froth more at other times...