Wednesday, November 6, 2013

11-06-2013 - 'Light & Love Magnified, Collective Strength"

Light and love magnified on these days of heaviness, of energies bearing down leading to discomfort of many in  your realm.  Know we are here to lighten the energies that pull you downward.  We are in hand and hand to give forth the blessings to you to bring forth the light and love in dark times and dark energies.  heaviness is all around and can be felt as weight on shoulders and you and yours will shine through in eventuality.

Love is at center of all and know that these days ahead bring forth messages of truthfulness and of light to enhance processes moving forward. Alongside you we wait and hold energies high. We envelop your heart with light as you move forward though each and every day ahead. Knowings will and do come to you within these darker days and know these are true. 

Within each burns a light so true that can be seen in multitudes from above. Fan the fires and the flames we do with our support and with our love to bring forth the entrances to you all. Within each flame do feel the burning truths of what is to come and what has come before. The knowings are deep and within you they do dwell. Into your days fulfilled you shall be with vision, angels and arch angels about with wings spread and hearts full. 

Bringing forth messages and feelings deep at heart are we to bring forth the messages to you. Yours is to look deep within and bring messages from inside out and let them be shared en mass as you can.  Longing for more and more has been and now the revealing does take place.  You see us as your eyes close into the night where stand alongside in your endeavors of realness of shift.  considering s of time and place we do for the energies can weigh heavily upon  and do require release of others to be enshrined.

Commonalities among in your circles of emotions to deeply reflecting of your times wandering this earth.  Keep close to lessons as they reveal truths of love and of the trueness of all that dwell within.  Commonplace are feelings of doubt and returns of sadness.  Movement of many does begin as the moons flow.  Within each soul we go.. Forward we come and reveal and soon we are at heart to heal.  Within without can hear our shout 

Flying above do you see the shores along which you have traveled many millenia.  Exist still under canopy of stars do these shores and along you do roam.  Yours and others along can make true differences at reflecting energies abound.  Keep forth unto the deep oceans blue and keep forth the pull of the sky.  It is truly our time to shine and yours to bring through these divine. We do love and cherish the time and know that strides do come as each step across said sand.  Each step one by one we come together en mass and together we do bring realities of truth.  We are here within the confines and without  No need to look on further than beyond your own knowings as within you they do dwell.  

hand in hand, and heart to heart; ignite flames and mission do start
know that we are within each breath and are within each fire built to temple and shrine
Ascended and Arch angels abound moving swiftly all around
We bring forth your truths for you to look in and under and through
We know the pains and heartless times we know the nearness to the times
We care and love and deepest true; within your heart with in is you

As streaming does come let words flow and think not of each and every on e as they will flow aw we direct.  Yours can be to do as told and keep forth the mission at hand and know not that the thing you say are true as is brought through to you We do know of times before and ahead that are happening all around us now  Now means of nothing in time as does not truly exist for us as it may for you in linear of all things abound to you and to others along the ride this is man and made for the times you need are they and to you we say to bring them forth and long not for other days


A flutter you do feel within your heart a shortness of your breath you feel as we transmit messages Upward come to us and receive and fear not the messages of truth.  Messages of truth do reveal the oneness abound and the endlessness


Together, we come, together a force of light from above and from below.  We support and strengthen your bond that has so many times before been entwined.  We come forth this day to bring you messages of the truth and the messages of the light and love you share together and as the collective.  

We know that these are from deep within each of your souls and we know you've felt this rise from within.  A knowing, a feeling, a whisper we, do call to each and every one.  A mistake by no means are these meetings.  A mistake by no means are these energies you share.  Together your souls bring forth a flame, a fire, so brightly it is seen from above.  Each offers their own strengths and weaknesses to the collective and yet together we burn as one eternal flame.  Knowings from deep within each of you do flourish with zeal... within each your flames do truly burn bright.  A magnificence is manifested by your collective and through journeys past these have been revealed.  and so come, together again and do your work.  Hold each other tightly as we push through these barriers of which we have set up for ourselves.  Onward the light comes through us and through to you in enormities of which you can never fathom.  Know the light does its job and the work being done is beneficial despite the mixed feelings you may receive.  

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