Thursday, April 24, 2014

04-24-2014 - Open the door

Enter in and hear the words we speak as they come in one at a time. To you, you have no reference. No ideas of the things of which are to come and be among the many things to diverge on this plane. And yet preparations are being made on many levels. To acclimate to the inner workings of each individual in their due time. To seek and be sought in time will be of value and under all of this is the change… The reverence to come. Wonderful things of many are to be truly available for the masses to be aware and I time these will reveal and be revealed as the veil is drawn. Keeping forward is always the progress most accomplished and will be of utmost importance in future days. Inner workings are coming about, sparking interest … sparking incite and knowings shall be more wide spread as the time moves forward. Passing is the way of old paradigms and newly lit hallways and churches shall be the way to be seen. And so, hold tightly and be ready and prepared as we move through these tumultuous of times ahead. Unrest and unreadiness will be a factor as changes become known. Hence to you we say to now begin preparations truly is of the importance. Many are called some will stand.

Thoughtfulness of others and the interconnectedness of all is of importance. Within lies deeply that string to which all is attached and to enlightend and spark this string into its optimal existence is to shine. To fear this change will be of no use as it will be whether or not one is ready for it. And so… commune with your brothers and sisters… Be one with those you have for so long kept apart from. The interconnectedness cannot be undone. These are the fundamental truths of your existence as you now perceive it and keeping away from the others is the downfall of humankind all over the world you know. We are all together. Connected energetically and forever on a level of all that is. This is truth and the sooner this realization dawn on human kind. The better.

Allowing others in. Allowing emotions to flow through and be felt on every level of your being is so necessary. These are indeed the things that physical form is meant to portray. Dulling these senses with and by other means makes one of robotic nature as you may be able to reference. We are all pieces of the organic puzzle of the cosmos wherein the energies and dust move together in symphony
so profound and yet unrealized. These minute moments…. These glimpses need to be sought and experienced. Do not shy away from the coming times… Embrace them. Hold your hand and arms wide to bring them closer as these are indeed the pieces that come together to produce the most vivid and real experiences that could ever be.

Open the door. Walk through the door. Experience the many and the few who lie on the other side. Open your arms and embrace and experience. Apart and alone is of no beneficial space. It is only through others that you will know yourselves. It is only through the understanding of others that you can and will understand yourself and realize the flight that is possible and the communion. Together you are stronger as a race of now known as human. Use and revel in this reality as it is one of many and the learnings within this time are of most importance to your souls that will exist beyond your short stay here.

Know that this is true. Feel that this is resonating on a level at which the whole of mankind can experience. The disasters and war and inner fighting and power struggles that command the attention and reverence of man, are of only such that are distractions. These should be inhaled and spat. The trueness of your inner self is in its need of most to be experienced. And that, inner working needs desperately to seek out and intertwine with that knowing in others. These connections are so needed now. It is time to begin and keep this process in its forward motion. With love and light beyond measure, we sing to you these days to come. Love

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

04-22-2014 - Be open to the thoughts

Stop thinking, the flow will come to those who wait and see and hear. Be open to the thoughts and let them infuse your soul. To be with and incite from the list of the things that keep you forward in your progress. Interweave, interwoven… inside and out the bell comes and rings loudly within… as a start, as a signal. As a wake-up call to you and to those who surround. To know the truth as it lies within. To hear the words as they fall like rain from the skies. To see and know is to be. To be inside yourself to know yourself first is of most importance and then forth you may go into the unchartered lands and bring forth he messages true. All are in this wheel and turn it does as time moves in your world. Feel the rumble below as you are pushed forward onto and into planes where you’ve not reached before.

The time has come that these openings are for walking through and that it is time now is truly the message. You and yours will walk, together with dignity and truth. Onward knowing of the trials and tribulations of which to come are many. And yet, facing these with restraint and open mindedness is of utmost importance. So… we say to stop and be on the flower of which you hold inside your head. To be there upon it and to bring it into your existence as you inhale the sweetness of which makes it real. To
ponder a glance at those which you have missed before and to bring forth the realness that is within. Without the anchor, the adherence to those thoughts and actions that lie within your soul is to go on what you could call a fool’s errand. Keep on the path to know yourself and explore the many layers that make you and move this forward… to the next, and then the next and let them understand of all the power that lies within and does not exist because of the myths they have come to believe as truths. Shift is here and now it is in movement faster than before. Hold on to your truths and explore them deeply within. Explore the realities of many existences and know these are the truest form. Love , light, compassion… keep these close to heart and know the oneness of all is the all of one.

Instant gratification is always the path first taken. Keep the eye on the door and know that these are the ways, they are open, they are true and the keys to each lie within you.

Monday, April 21, 2014

04-21-2014 - Listen

So to speak. So to hear the voices inside. Within and without they flow like notes on the air. Within the soul they expand and propagate and become signs and symbols of all that lies within. These are the keys to hold on to. To jiggle in the lock and find those avenues that you are to see and feel and grow. Within each does lie the insurmountable numbers of inner knowings that can be revealed as you move through the channels and move through the doorways as they open to you. Within do go to find. Enjoy the fruits as they come fresh and pick them to reveal the inner knowings that reside. The highly intuitive self is able to decipher these meanings and bring to your consciousness what is necessary on all levels to move through the maze. We are in and here with you on all levels. Whether in form or thought ours is to brace you to see those that may not be seen. Internalization of all is not the goal. Expansion of the soul is. Expansion of the energy as it moves through the stratosphere … as it connects and weaves and fulfills the knowledge. All is available and openness is necessary to grasp these connects. No matter how small, miniscule you feel within. How much you think that yours cannot change the world… changes it in so many ways with just your thoughts. We know that yours is to finalize and make certain of all these infinitesimal pieces something of solid ground. Yet, solidity is only favorable in the reality as it is brought. All is inside and can be brought out to others. Interwoven facts and fears. Keeping onward on journeys and paths so comforting a thought without resolve.

One in many can make differences that cannot be calculated. Immeasurable is thought. Yes, ever expanding we are. You are… we all have the abilities within and to expand the knowledge both within us and to bring it to others is to be the way.

One does. One is. And together each one makes those differences. Keeping forth does mean to have to look deeply inward and understand the indecision and decision lie within. There are no others to go to for the information. There are no others to make this reality whole. When we realize all is within, we are free. Allow, thought, self, being sights… enjoy, envelope, share. These small things do bring forth changes of highly affective change.