Monday, November 25, 2013

11-25-2013 - 'Within You Go'

Within you go this day.  Again, like many before, and out to come again to meet and greet those inside your circle to see and hear the progresses made by many of the time away.  Within each you will delve to see the learnings and truths revealed to each soul within and see the interconnecting pieces of each and where they fit.  

Three is said and three is to come and to each you know your worth.  Within each you see the strides made from deep reflection and work done as you move deeply into self and within the place to help others.  Come in and see this fire burn so deeply within and feel deeply the fire within.  Know that it burns and with each other you do commence a brightening of many fires.  

We move with you this day and all and hope to be revealed more as the time comes.  We are ready to show you to what you've been fearful in past and know that you can and will love truly the roads to open before you.   

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